He's here! Boy was he worth the wait. I'm in New Jersey being mom to my baby who just had a baby. Now both of my babies are mommies. I guess I blinked ! Everyone agrees the timing of it all was perfect. Danielle and Owen are in a baby bliss that is so beautiful to witness. It brings back all the memories of when I was a new mommy and Joe a new daddy. We were babies ourselves back then. Danielle is 27 in June and Nicole was 29 when she had Cooper. Smart girls I must brag.

They picked good daddies too. I'm blessed with two of the most loving, compassionate, dedicated, tolerant and handsome son in laws. Hey one has let me live in his home for months on end without a fuss and the other lets me move right in with his new baby. Remarkable.
I hear Little Fletch, that's what his grandfather Ed Fletcher calls him, fussin. It's a sweet fuss.