Last Friday Cooper and I went to the Yellow Balloon for a haircut while Mommy and Ruby were at the doctors. We had a great time. Cooper played with every toy at least twice and was done with his hair cut way before Julie, his stylist, was. It took much diversion therapy to get the job done but it worked and since he was such a good boy his reward was to have lunch at "Chuck E. Cheese" or as Nicole calls it "Rat Pizza". Cooper calls it "Pizza Planet" like in Toy Story 1. We had to get this picture to document our fun and Cooper had to do his signature sticking out his tongue. Priceless! He played and played for over two hours. Crashed a birthday party for a boy named Jakob and met Chuck E Cheese himself! Yes he had a star sighting and followed Rat Cheese all around the place. This place is Vegas for kids. What a day. I'll remember it always.