Finally the job we've been waiting for.
We interviewed for this job on Joe's birthday 4/14. The address of the hotel is 1404. It turned out to be a good omen. His birthday this year was
soooo much better than last year.
Joe started today as the resident manager of the America's Best Inn,
Laguna Beach.

He was sad to be leaving Cooper this morning knowing he wouldn't be seeing his smiling face each day. We have both become accustom to having Cooper in our lives. Jakob and Nicole have done a super job of raising Cooper. I know having us here was the right thing to do. Now it's time for us to use our wings and fly an hour's drive from here to start our new adventure. I'll be lingering on in Burbank till Nicole finishes up with the Ax Men through May. Joe and I will work together on the weekends at the hotel and get our apartment in shape. I'm looking forward to sleeping in our own bed and together.
Here are some of my favorite photos of
Pepere and Cooper.