Yesterday was by far one of my most enjoyable birthdays. Yeah I turned fifty one but have decided to say I'm fifty something which is the new thirty something. The day started with a trip to a posh spa which Nicole had arranged a facial for the two of us. It was decadent. I've realized a facial really makes you focus on the part of your body that everyone sees first but you can only see in the mirror. Having so much attention to my face was uplifting. The spa was beautiful like a luxury hotel. Big soft puffy robs and towels, comfortable slippers and mood lighting. After our face pampering we had some spa water and sat with our toes in the hot tub while the product applied to our faces did it's work. It all made me feel so special. Thank you Nicole for sharing your spa time with me.
When we got home there was a package waiting for me. I hurried to open it since I noticed it was from MFC Susan. A blue Tiffany box inside made me chuckle. This gift was more priceless than anything Tiffany could have made. It was a box of Cape Cod complete with a shot glass that said F*CK IT I'M 50. Thank you Susan for reminding me of all the good in my life.
The mail included two birthday cards. One from my Ma that was personally created for me on her computer with a lovely wish and a poem. Thanks Ma. The other was a card form EFSIL (everyones favorite sister-in-law) Tricia. Such a nice greeting with twenty bucks to by some California scratch tickets. I'll let you know if I win.
I spent time in the park with Cooper and his playground pals. It was a beautiful, sunny warm February 28th. So unlike any other birthday from the past.
I missed many phone calls. Danielle and Owen phoned lots of times. So I phoned back at an inconvenient time and was told to go check out fletchonneaus blog. I cried with such happy tears at what she wrote for me on my birthday. The photos were nice too. Thank you Danielle and Owen
Joe came home right behind us with a bunch of bundles and a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers. He cooked an Italian feast of veal parm with pasta complete with an amazing birthday cake from a fancy bakery. Nicole, Jakob, Joe and I enjoyed while watching Lost. They sang Happy Birthday and we ate cake. Then Nicole announced "present time" at which Jakob handed Joe and I two tickets to Wicked for tonight. So we have a date tonight. A real honest to goodness date. WOW Thank you Nicole,Jakob and Cooper.
I'm not sure this day could every be topped by another but bring it on.